
Top 3 songs of Ayumi Hamasaki

Ayumi Hamasaki is my favorite singer. She has greatly influenced many young Japanese girls. Her songs cheer up many people, her concerts are very exciting, and she is representative fashion leader of Japan. She won many prizes, such as Japan Record Award, Japan Gold Disc Award, World Music Award, Japan’s Best Dresser Award, Best Jeanist Award, and Nail Queen Award. I love her songs very much, so I will introduce you to her top 3 songs.

No.1 song is evolution. This song was released in 2001. I listened to this song and became a fan. I like the words to this song, which is “by your own standard”. Through singing, she tells us judge things by your standard. I think that we should make a choice by preference. She may want to give young girls life lesson through this song.

No.2 song is MY ALL. This song is on GUILTY which was released in 2008. This song is about dearest love. In this song, she sings that “I want you to keep dream alive, I want to protect you, I want to see your smile, and I fell your selfless love”. I think that dearest love is not so much her lovers as her fans. She may tells fans “I will continue to sing for you” through this song.

No.3 song is Love song. This song is on Love songs which was released recently. I listened to this song and felt the strength of her. I was moved by the words to this song. She continues to come under heavy attack from people who dislike her, and she is hearing impaired in her left ear. I think that she gets sadness in her heart. However, she continues to sing without quitting. I love this song because this song tells me importance of intensity of will.

I am an enthusiast of her, and I learned a lot from her songs. Her songs told me judging things by my standard, importance of friends and family, strengthening my resolve, and so on. I went to her “Power of music” concert in May 7th, and I felt power of songs and fabulousness of music. She said to us “Let’s make Japan energetic by music” in her concert. She wants to cheer up victims of eastern Japan earthquake by her songs. If you take an interest in her, please listen to her songs.

6 件のコメント:

jh さんのコメント...

Whenever I see her, I am reminded of Britain's Princess Diana. I think it is her eyes.

Can you explain to me why she keeps "coming under attack" from people? I have heard about people disliking her - why is that?

B.B さんのコメント...

To jh
I think that some people dislike her because she had plastic surgery, and they think she is a bad singer. Japanese people like popular singer, but they get bored with popular singer quickly.

Eddie さんのコメント...

I recently got free tickets to go see Ayumi Hamasaki in concert at Hiroshima Green Arena, but I didnt know any of her songs! Are the three songs listed above the top 3 songs according to fans or your personal opinion?

jh さんのコメント...

I didn't know that she had had plastic surgery. Was it her eyes that she had cosmetic surgery on?

B.B さんのコメント...

To Eddie
Top 3 songs in my blog is my personal opinion. However, evolution is very popular, so she sing every concert. If you know evolution, you can enjoy her concert!

B.B さんのコメント...

To jh
Yes, she had cosmetic surgery on her eyes. However, there are many people who had cosmetic surgery in
show business. It is not unusual for show businesspeople to have cosmetic surgery.